10 June, 2006

"The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown

I have always planned on reading this book; I just never got around to doing it. I watched the movie the other day--which I enjoyed--and resolved to go home and read the book. I was immediately put off by Dan Brown's very poor writing. There is something very juvenile about his writing which was hard to overlook. He left so many cliff-hangers that the ended up losing their literary significance. Having seen the movie already, they didn't bother me nearly as much as they would have had I not known already how everything would turn out. That said, I think his story was very interesting. Apart from some logical jumps, I found the underlying premise very interesting and compeling. It's my belief that Dan Brown should find himself a writing partner. There are a number of writing pairs where one person creates the story and characters and so on, while the other person actually writes the story. If he were to do this, then maybe the writing quality would be as high as the quality of the story.


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