19 January, 2006

"The Horse and His Boy" by C. S. Lewis

As with his other books, C. S. Lewis is not afraid to get preachy and allegorical.  The main Christian message I felt coming from this book was one with which I am a little hesitant.  I’m never sure how far I’m willing to go with the whole “God is in charge” thing.  At the end we see that everything fell into place largely because Aslan (i.e. Christ) made it happen that way.  Though I do believe God is involved in our lives, I’m not sure how often he leaves the advisory seat and becomes an active participant in our lives.  He obviously does it at times, but I think his main help is in the council, comfort, and strength he provides.  If God really is directly all of the events that occur down here on Earth, then I would find it difficult not to agree with those who claim that God is a monster because of all of the things he allows to happen here on Earth.  I don’t mind that he allows them to happen; I just don’t want to believe that he causes them to happen, which would be the natural conclusion if God is directing everything.


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